pictures as follows: Brian Dodson - 2007, Brittany Self Portrait 2012, Brittany 2011

Brittany Dodson the Person

Posted by Brittany on Feburary 22, 2012

Artist and Writer Brittany "Brian" Dodson., was born on July 13 1978, in Richmond, VA. It is here that she would spend much of her years growing up with a dark secret. Until 2007 Brian kept the secret that he was transgender from friends, family and even medical psychologists. The issue brought him to a deep seeded depression and on Oct 4 2007. Brian prepared to end his suffering once and for all. But as fate would have it something inside him chose to hold on and see how things would go when coming out with the facts. A great change had been made mentally and he began working on it physically and socially. By December 2008 the truth had come out publicly through the use of both social networks and Brian's own site,

Since then Brian has worked hard and achieved a better sense of life and meaning upon becoming Brittany. While many issues both involving her life as a transgender female and other personal issues continue to rise. Brittany has met them head on with strength of self, family, friends and those that she works hard to help. Beginning the summer of 2009 Brittany began to write Path of the Butterflies, as a way to both catalog her journey and give advice on a subject that is difficult to find assistance in facing. A graduate, of Virginia Commonwealth University's, school of Arts. Brittany adds humor and art to her writings and works hard to bring support to all that seek it from her.

Brittany Dodson the Artist

Updated on Feburary 22, 2012  all chapters require Adobe Acrobat to read

Artist and Writer Brittany "Brian" Dodson. Was born on July 13 1978. In Richmond, VA. Where she remained thru most of her life.


In 1996 she attend VCU school of Arts, Communitcations and Design Department and over the next 4 years learning the basics of her craft. Also in 1996 she started her first website The site would go on as a pinicle of her work and help mature much of the skills she had only started to learn in College. It was here she started focus on a love for comic art and story telling.


By 2000, she had graduated college and started doing jobs to get by all the while doing freelance work on the side. In time she learned more skills, such as sign build and and crafting, Advance webdesign, and stornger writing skills. She also started work on a ongoing web comic Critical View.


In 2007 facing a sever bout of depression she came to turms with a part of her she ingnored. That she (at the time simply Brian Dodson) was transgender. Over the next few years she would use this focus on build a stronger life in all forms for her. By Winter of 2008 her truth was made public and she started work on a amibitious project called Path of the Butterflies. Part blog and part instruction guide.


In 2011 Brittany had started a stronger focus on her work and started working freelance, Along with Critical View and Path, she also commited to a new web comic series Sweet Dreams and released a animated short to Critical View called "If I was". Begining 2012 she annouced another project a self made Novel and table top role playing game called 11 Kingdoms. All while working freelance on projects for different customers.