Sailor Moon: Andromita Factor           Shadows of the past part 3:             "Darkness Strikes"

Purple = Character

Green = Action

black = Spoken

(the scene opens with a young Andromita running to a man in armor)


Papa’s home. Papa’s home.

(The man walks right passed Andromita and her mood changes to sad one. The man disappears into the darkness of an empty house. Minjuki, has been watching her daughter with Raydon next to her.)


She’s been like that for days now.


Did you tell her about what happened.


I told Karna but, Andromita is so young I think if she knew her father was gone I think it would destroy her. I don’t want to hurt her.


Unfortunately the monster that killed him is gone. To where I don’t know. But Im quiet sure he will return.


I think it would be best if you help teach her. She has incredible power and is a wonderful student.


Five years ago I would have been happy to take her on as my daughter. But things are different now Minjuki Im married now to Serenity and we have our own daughter to raise I can’t simply abandon Serena. Nor can I abandon my role as king of the Moon Kingdom.


Please Raydon. All I ask is for you to teach her help her learn how to live a fruitful life.


Very well. I will teach her the path to self righteousness.

(The scene changes from Minjuki’s death, to Karna’s death, and finally to Raydon’s Murder. The scene goes black and fades onto the decaying remains of the stardust where Moyria stands punching through codes on the computer attempting to enable flight)


Well the computers still work after a thousand years of rest but I’m having doubts about this thing being able to fly agian. Just hope Sailor Moon and the others get their chance to stop Geo.


Warning Unidentified object entering Earth’s atmosphere.


Damn its to soon Ill never get this heap of junk to hold off Golum. Computer Where is this object headed.


Target will be approaching Northern Tokyo


He wants me to come to him then. Computer can the Stardust return to flying status.




Well there goes my trip back to Tokyo. The only way back is if I get something that can fly me there. Computer is there any other form of transportation on board.


There is a cargo transport in the hanger. It’s condition is unknown


If it can fly it will work I guess.

(Moyria Dashes off out of the bridge as the scene fades and Open with the scouts chasing Geo who is laughing madly down the passage way.)




After him scouts, if he gets away this time we may not get a second chance.

Sailor Venus:

cool it Luna we got Curcit on our side theres no way he can escape us while we have Curcit tracking him.

(Curcit comes to dead halt in the middle of an intersection and sits there puzzled.)


That’s odd

Sailor Moon:

good Idea lets stop and take a break

Sailor Mercury:

Well Curcit which way did he go.


it appears that he went all three ways

Sailor Jupiter:

How the heck could he go all three ways. You must be missing a part or something.


I am in perfect working order and my sensors do not lie he went all three ways.


I guess we are going to hafta split up


Venus, Mercury, and myself will take the right.


Jupiter and Mars will follow me to the left leaving Sailor Moon and Luna to continue down the straight path.

Sailor Mercury:

Are sure thats wise


Its our only option.

Sailor Venus:

Curcit’s right we don’t have time to waste on this. lets get going.

(Venus dashes on down the left path with Artimis and Mercury trailing behind)

Sailor Jupiter:

Venus seems to be take this all seriously

Sailor Mars:

Like it’s a difference from earlier.

Sailor Jupiter:

Well I mean she doesn’t seem like her cheery self any more.


Worry about that later, Jupiter we need to hunt down Geo.

Sailor Mars:

Right lets go Jupiter.

Sailor Jupiter:

All right.

(Mars and Jupiter head down the right passage after Curcit who has gone ahead of them.)


You ready Sailor Moon.

Sailor Moon:

Yeah I guess so.


What is it.

Sailor Moon:

I don’t know but I just can’t help but keep thinking about home.


Well I suggest you concentrate on the task at hand. Now lets go.

Sailor Moon:

Okay, Okay. I’m coming.

(Sailor Moon heads down the path straight ahead with Luna by her side, Meanwhile Darien stands in the woods where not to long ago he lost the powers of Tuxedo Mask. He can’t help but stare at the dead fallen petals on the ground of the woods.)


So it’s all over. I no longer can become Tuxedo Mask. I can no longer save the world from danger. I can no longer protect Serena. I guess this is the answer to my question. Maybe I never loved Serena to being with maybe I was just looking for some one I could just talk to. Someone like, Moyria. But I don’t understand I love them both and they both loved me. No. They loved him. The him that is gone. Tuxedo mask is dead and the love they had for him is gone as well. What am I saying they both love me as Darien as well. Damn it. I’m no better off then when I started.

Strange Voice:

Sounds like your really hung up on someone there.


Huh who’s there.

(A figure steps out of the shadows to reveal Moyria’s Grandfather)


So your stuck pulling a rose by it’s thorns.


Excuse me


It’s an old saying almost as old as me. It comes for a fable. a young man was in love with a woman and went into a mystic forest to find the perfect gift for her. he came upon a beautiful rose covered in thorns but next to it was a plain rose with few thorns. He felt his love to be strong enough that his love would forgive him for the average rose. He took the plain rose with no thorns to his love. When he presented the rose to his love it was already dead. This caused his love to hate him. So you see some time one must suffer a little pain to gain the love we search for all our lives.


But I don’t know which one I want to love.


No I believe you do. Tell me what is in that note book there.


A stupid poem I wrote


No that is your heart filled answer my boy that is where you answered you question. Now you only need to prove your love. Well I’m getting stiff and these old bones aren’t like they use to be. I hope to be seeing you back at the apartment building later my lad. So long.


The old mans a kook.

( Darien picks up the notebook in which he has written his poem and reads it out loud)


In earth’s night sky I look up to see the moon and stars

The moon shines high as it always has watching over me

but now the stars also guard me at night lighting the empty darkness of my soul

My love reaches for both but I am denied both unless I give up on the other

But how can I deny my love for either the moon or the stars

the very thought of losing one tears at my soul as the day tears at the night

I look at the stars that guide me

They let me know I’m not alone out there

Their light warms me

I look at the moon its loyalty is strong as it stands by me

I know it will always be there each night even if I fail to see it

It watches over me giving me all its love.

I watch all night

I watch as the night answers me

with the coming of dawn I watch the stars fade where to I don’t know I don’t even know if they will even return

For every day Stars are born and die

But the Moon remains in the sky watching as it has always done giving me all its love and more...

Because I love her back.

(Darien slowly closes the book silently picks up his gear and begins to walk toward town. The scene changes to the passage where Jupiter and Mars are headed. As the possibility of what has happened to cause them to break up)

Sailor Jupiter:

I’ve been thinking.

Sailor Mars:

What about.

Sailor Jupiter:

Well you remember the journey we went on at the Moon Kingdom.

Sailor Mars:

Yeah what about it.

Sailor Jupiter:

Well we where told Geo was the vessel for the Negaforce to travel to Earth. What if for safety reasons the Negaverse had kept a little piece to the Negaforce in him.

Sailor Mars:

As I recall the Negaforce feed on energy of humans.

Sailor Jupiter:

Yes but Nephlyte succeeded in gaining the most amount of energy from one source.

Sailor Mars:

Yeah, He would take energy when it hit it’s peak. By causing a person to face their greatest challenges.

Sailor Jupiter:

Yeah and who do we know is going up against her greatest challenge.

Sailor Mars:


Sailor Jupiter:


Sailor Mars:

Are you saying this is all just a trick to keep us busy while Moyria releases all her energy at Golum, So the Negaforce can be set free again.

Sailor Jupiter:

I think its all ready free. I think it want’s power to grow stronger.

Sailor Mars:

What do you mean it’s already free.

Sailor Jupiter:

Remember how Geo acted before he became one with the Negaforce. He actually said that Beryl somehow had changed. I think the Negaforce is something more then what Beryl or Geo thought it was. I think in some way it is in some way it’s own life form.

Sailor Mars:

You think Geo’s being controlled by it

Sailor Jupiter:

Yes I do

Sailor Mars:

Then I suggest we contact the others and try to stop Moyria before she faces Golum

(A Dark laugh fills the passage)


I don’t think so Sailor Fools.

Sailor Jupiter:



Not exactly dear Jupiter. That pathetic soul died years ago when I joined with him. But enough talk. Because I’ve come here to kill you.

Sailor Mars:

But how where you able to split up like that


Why it is a simple task for one with as much power as mine.

Sailor Jupiter:

Why did you pick Moyria


I need her power from her anger. I hunger for it. Naturally I thought the mere sight of me the murder of her mentor and the man she called father would be enough. But I was wrong so I sent for another figure of her hatred.

Sailor Jupiter:



Yes, Moyria had great anger for her sister but unfortunately. It wasn’t pure hatred so I had to seek out the one thing that would tear her hatred from her. The Demon Golum. He is the embodiment of her fears. When ever man kind faces his fears he faces them first as frightened as a mere babe. But so the fear turns into unbridle hatred and disgust. No matter how the battle ends I will win. So you see there is no way to stop me.

Sailor Mars:

Guess agian

(Mars holds out her whip)


Oh please you intend to stop me with that

Sailor Mars:

No, This.

(Mars lashes out her whip toward a pipe releasing a cloud of smoke causing Geo to temporally go blind allowing Mars and Jupiter to escape)


Hahaahahaha Fools, They thought I was the real one.

(the Illusion of Geo fades as the smoke settles. The scene changes to just along the vast fields of Hakkaido as a shout of excitement is let out from Moyria who is rushing down the country side on what looks to be a floating platform.)


I forgotten how much fun this was. I haven’t done this since we where on Findora.

(the crafts great speed sends her in no time down across Tsugaru strait)


At this rate I’ll reach Tokyo in no time.

(little does she notice the dark object that falls suddenly toward the ground striking the ground in an earth shattering blast. The mere force of the blast causes massive waves in the strait changing Moyria’s joy to one of hatred)


So He’s here. No matter what happens now nothing can keep me from stopping him.

(Time passes and Moyria’s craft now float’s along the mass buildings of iron and glass spectators are in aw as they watch her float above their heads. It takes little time for her to find his trail. As the Building have changed to masses of smoking rubble.)


Damn it Golum. Why? Why, did you bring these people in our fight.

(Moyria begins to fly lower looking for survivors. when she gets a call on her wrist computer)


What is it?

Voice of Sailor Moon:

Hey Moyria how you hanging in there


I wish I knew where that monster was hiding

Voice of Sailor Moon:

No luck on your end ether huh?

(Moyria looks at a important structure of Serena’s life and is caught dead quiet as the remains of Serena’s home lay crushed)

Voice of Sailor Moon:

Is everything okay. Hello. Are you still there?


Yeah I’m fine it’s nothing. I’ll talk to you later okay.

(Moyria shut off her wrist computer and stands there quietly as the wind blows through her hair)


It’s all my fault. My sister. And now Serena’s home. Just hope her family wasn’t in there when it happened.

(A faint cry comes from a nearby structure that has fallen. Moyria Walks towards the rubble and finds a young child crying over here mothers body)




Are you okay there.


Lady help my mommy please.

Moyria: (to self)

Poor kid she’s just like me. All alone. I wish there was a way I could just wave my hand and bring back her mother. Damn it. Theres no way I’m letting Golum get away not this time. (Out loud) Where is he?


Lady I’m scared.


Don’t worry I’ll protect you.


But if you protect me then....

(The child’s voice changes to a deep monstrous voice. A voice that shatters Moyria’s heart just hearing it.)


Who will save you from me.

(The child’s hand changes to a claw ripping at Moyria’s shoulder, causing her to scream in sheer pain)

Moyria: thats ...where you’ve been hiding.


A gift to the one who released me so long ago. You I am able to change into anyone I have destroyed........


Anyone. Like me.


sister ........Karna your alive


Yes, and I’ve come to bring you something dear sister.


No your not her she die when she stopped you.

(Golum reverts from his form of Karna only to take a different form. The form of a young man)

Young man:

Dear child you can’t just sit there and cry over the ones you love.


....p....Pa...Papa is that really you. Papa.

(tears fill Moyria’s eyes as the scene changes to a few minutes earlier in the passage way where Sailor Moon has taken)

Sailor Moon:

Damn she’s hiding sometime, and now she hung up on me. Just wait till I see her agian she’s gonna get an ear full.


Calm down Serena and focus on the task at hand.

(All of a sudden Jupiter and Mars come running down the hall way)

Sailor Moon:

Sailor Mars. Sailor Jupiter. What’s wrong.

Sailor Jupiter:

It’s all a trap we running around while the Negaforce drains Moyria dry.

Sailor Moon:


Sailor Mars:

Don’t stand there contact Moyria she’s in serious trouble.


We can’t contact her she cut off her communications with us

Sailor Mars:

This is bad real bad.

Sailor Moon:

What is it?

Sailor Mars:

Geo is using Golum to build up Moyria’s energy through anger and when she reaches her peak he is going to drain her dry.

Sailor Moon:



You’re right Mars this is serious but How can we get back in time to warn her without Venus and Mercury we cant teleport back.

Sailor Mars:

Then we truly lost.

(The scene changes to Darien’s apartment where Darien has returned. Moyria’s Grandfather stands in the hall looking out the window. Darien suddenly falls to the ground reaching for his head.)


She’s in trouble but how can I help her


Who are you talking to boy.


Serena she’s in trouble.


Let me see.

(Moyria’s Grandfather places his hand on Darien’s head and sees that Serena is fine)




What is it.


She is fine but I do sense that there is something that worries them. I’m going to see if I can find out what it is

(He concentrates and an image of Moyria laying hurt next to Golum)


Oh dear dear this just wouldn’t do.


What is it? Tell me old man.


It seems my granddaughter has gotten in over her head agian. I guess I need to send her where she will be safe.

(Moyria’s Grandfather makes an incantation and a severely wounded Moyria is teleport away)


Where did you send her.


I sent her to the place her mind saw.

(The scene changes to where Moyria’s had just disappeared)


The Old man sent her away huh. No matter I know where she’s headed and I’ll be there when she wakes

(The scene changes to an open field as a man in an odd uniform discovers the limp body of Moyria)


Well well well. Looks like today’s post wasn’t a waste after all. Not every day I return with the planets most wanted criminal.

(the scene fades as the guard drags Moyria off. meanwhile back in the hallway Sailor Moon, Mars and Jupiter along with Luna and Curcit hunt for their companions Venus and Mercury. They soon come up to a battle of sort’s as Venus is busy fighting Shadowen.)

Sailor Venus:

So your still alive.


Your going to me mine, Venus.

Sailor Venus:

No chance. Shadowen. I’m not you toy.

Sailor Moon:

Venus he’s trying to keep us here we need to get out of here.

Sailor Venus:

This monster will only cause us trouble Sailor Moon. If I don’t Finnish him now we will all suffer

Sailor Moon:

And if you don’t stop the world will suffer.

(Geo suddenly appears before the scouts)


Curse you Sailor Scouts. Where have you taken Andromita.

Sailor Mars:

What do you mean.


My trap was set. When she suddenly disappeared and Golum left the planet.

Sailor Moon:

She disappeared what’s going on around hear

(Meanwhile a bandaged Moyria waken up in side a odd cell with bars of energy holding her back)


What is all this where am I?

(a guard speaks out)


Andromita warrior of the Moon Kingdom you face the charge of assisting the monster Golum in destroying this world. You will be facing trial in the Morning.


What the?

The End of part 3

Your ear is tuned to "ominous" which discribes the coming of Golum