Sailor Moon: previously in Sailor Moon: Andromita Factor we faced yet another monster sent by the mysterious Geo but we where trapped and it looked like even Andromita would fall prey when a new mysterious warrior Centurous appear and brought the the whole place crashing down on top of us. In the the battle we almost lost Luna but she was saved by Andromita is she as cold hearted as we first thought or have we yet too see this hero in true form stay tuned as we begin one our four part series that will come out with a ending of dynamic proportions

Sailor Moon: Andromita Factor: Episode 7 “Video Game Bash” ________________________________________________________________________

(As the school day ends Serena walks quietly alone to the front door of her house but stops and picks up the mail)

Serena: IM home!!

Luna: Well its about time.

Serena: Luna wheres Mom.

Luna: Serena don’t you ever listen to your parents, She went shopping

Serena: Well lets check the mail hmmmm........junk ......junk may already be a winner.......Huh....WOW totally cool theres a new mega game being introduced its suppose to be like some kind of fantasy movie. Says here theres an invitation only preview of it thought damn I wish could get in to see it.

(just then Serena’s Dad comes home with a camera on his back)

Serena’s Dad: Oh Serena just the person I wanted to see

Serena: Yeah Dad what is it?

Serena’s Dad: Well the newspaper wants me to cover an event downtown tonight and Ive got four tickets so the whole family can go and enjoy it Its some sorta game preview.

Serena: Oh really Dad thats so perfect when do we leave?

Serena’s Dad: As soon as your brother and Mom get back

Serena: Cool

(Meanwhile at the base of the negaverse Geo is frustrated with his two warriors)

Geo: Tell me again how you let Andromita escape.

Iris: my monsters wouldn’t have failed if Centurous didn’t set the whole place a blaze

Centurous: I work alone your monsters where a mear annoyance in my way

Iris: The Only we can defeat the scouts is if we gather all our forces

Centurous: And lead them all to be slaughtered at once. I suggest you use your monsters to trap Sailor Moon with out her the scouts can only defend others from us but they can’t stop us

Iris: But Andromita is a man army

Centurous: Then we must use her to our advantage

Iris: Ha and how do you think you can pull that off

Centurous: I grew up with her and trained with her I know her weaknesses and her strengths she will place her life in danger when another is threatened its the way raydon taught his daughters and her mother sacrificed herself for threat upon the Moon and Earth

Geo: Yes I heard of the sacrifice she made very well I to believe that if we capture Sailor Moon and Andromita we can win this war Go now and make it so

Centurous: Yes Geo

(Both Centurous and Iris disappear we then move to another corner of the base where Iris has reappeared with a disgusted look on his face. )

Iris: That bounty hunter is truing to knock me out of the way Huh well Ill show both Geo and Centurous who can defeat Sailor Moon and Andromita all I hafta do is use this VRnet set to the DNA frequency of both of them then they will be as good as Dead.

(Back in Serena’s house)

Luna: Now listen up Serena this is a new weapon for you

Serena: whats with the funny looking stick

Luna: Just Listen OK, This is the Lunar Staff hold it and shout “Luna Laser Strike” and it  will release a spray of stunning laser beams but its not powerful enough to destroy a Negaverse monster

Serena: Then why do we need it

Luna: Well it appears that instead of energy the Negaverse is looking for slaves this could be used to help and bystanders being turned on us but there are two more things this staff can do let me see your brooch

Serena: OK but I don’t know what your going to do with......

Luna: Just watch OK

( Luna places the brooch perfectly in a the hole in the middle of the staff)

Luna:: Now when you wish to transform just pull back one the ends of the staff and shout “Moon Light Transform” The final trick is so you can hold on to the staff just push this button

Serena: Just push a button no magic words or nothing

Luna: Hey IM not David Copperfield you know

Serena’s Mom: Hurry up Serena we all are waiting

Serena: Be right there. Well Luna since you gave me a new toy I think its only fair I give you one (Holding up a small Bag)

Luna: What kind of cheap junk did you by for me now?

Serena: The pet store owner said it was guaranteed to be loved by any cat or money back

Luna: Its just a cheap (sniffs bag) Hey it smells really good

Serena: Its Catnip or something like that

Luna: Oh look at the light dancing around the room

Serena: Well got to go enjoy

Luna: You know bag you and I are going to be good friends

(Meanwhile at TV 16 Sayrun talking with Mark and Darien is gathering camera equipment and Moyria is just coming back with a cup of coffee and a back pack with a firmillar tail of Curcit hanging out)

Sayrun: God what a stupid assignment if only I could dump it on some Moyria  you know how I help you get this job maybe you can help me I have a hot date tonight but I was given the assignment to cover the premiere party of some new video game.

Moyria:: Would love to help you Sayrun but.......

Sayrun; Great Darien will help you out go to wardrobe before you leave to change into something more elegant Thanks See yah

Moyria: But.......but .........But ........

Darien: Another victim of Sayrun Calvin was found today in the newsroom

Mark: To bad Moyria guess that night off you where planning is over huh

Moyria: Oh drat.

Darien: Hey don’t feel bad Im sure lots of eligible guys will be there

Moyria: What about you?

Darien: Me!?! Well I sorta am meeting Serena there her family is going to be there.

Moyria: Oh

Mark: Hey Baby too bad I would go with yah but I got to stay here and bless the camera with my beaughtiful face you know

Moyria: Oh joy. Every one showing up has a date even the meatballheaded klutziod  Serena.

(Later in the women’s dressing room Moyria consults Curcit on the dating problem )

Moyria: Great so I get to go to a major social event with no date

Curcit: I believe I have a logical answer to your problem

Moyria: And that is?

Curcit: Take Me!

Moyria: Oh sure a young beaughtiful woman with a walking talking blender. I don’t think so. Nope looks like Im all alone on this one.

(Meanwhile while the party is starting out Iris appears near the giant screen and places down his trap The crowd outside huddles to catch a glimpse at the stars of the VR game pull up Serena is watching in the crowd and bumps into another man that soon blocks her view)

Serena: Hey hog the view don’t yah pal.

Andrew: Oh sorry....Serena Hey how are you?

Serena: Andrew Oh just fine so why did you come.

Andrew: Well the Crystal Arcade is one of the first arcades to hold this game next week Im here to check it out. How about yourself.

Serena: Well Im here for the ........

Serena’s Mom: Serena honey its getting cold heres a sweater

Serena’s Dad: Dear who’s that boy talking to Serena.

Sammy: This is boring when do we get to see the game.

Serena: Im here with my family Hey theres Darien he s probably looking for me Darien Over Here.

Darien: There you are meatballhead.

(Serena grabs hold of Darien’s arm they stare at each other lovingly for a while but turn their heads when they here the crowd rave over a recent new comer.)

Andrew: Wow must be some actress.

Serena’s Mom: She looks like shes strait from Hollywood magazines

Serena: Hey That’s Moyria and the same dress she had on at the casino

Darien: Guess she still hasn’t found a date.

Serena: Hey Moyria Nananana I ve got Darien

Darien: Lighten up meatballhead she gave up her night off to come with out a date and she really miserable about it.

Serena: All right Ill get along with her for one night.

Darien: Thanks. Hey Moyria over here.

Moyria: Oh there you are? You got the camera set.

Darien: Yeah we will getting some nice piece of the screen form the balcony.

Moyria: Good.

(Time passes and the crowd moves inside but one shady figure stands out from the others Centurous. Inside)

Serena: Wow this is so cool

Moyria: Yeah I guess so. (she watches as a shadowy figure disappears from the balcony and instantly recognizes them) (To Self) Centurous here This just isn’t my day (To others) Excuse me Darien I need to go check the equipment real quick

(Moyria leaves through the back of the theater while the other watch the game played before them )

Serena: It looks so real even that fire ball coming strait at us.

Darien and Serena: Fireball?

Centurous: HaHaHa No one is leaving till my prey gets here.

Serena; Darien I think we need some Sailor Moon don’t you?

Darien: Go back behind the curtain Ill be right behind you.

Serena : Right (grabs the stick and pulls at both ends turning it into the Lunar staff ) Moon Light Transform. ( we watch as Serena transforms into the super hero Sailor Moon)

Centurous: As soon as Andromita Appears you’ll all just be history

Sailor Moon: Not a chance Nega Creep

Centurous: Well if it isn’t Sailor Whimp Ive been expecting you.

Sailor Moon: Huh?

(Outside Moyria grabs her back and release Curcit)

Moyria: I think I may need you on this one Curcit. Shes here

Curcit: So then you are not the only crew to have survived.

Moyria: Nope but Centurous isn’t going to win this time “Galactic Prismic Transform” (we watch as Moyria Changes into her Dark gray uniform and becomes Andromita.)


Sailor Moon: Okay Centurous you wanna fight you got one but let these people go

Centurous: No Chance of that Moon Twit (Jumps back as a laser hits nearby )

Andormita: Its time for us to end this now Centurous.

Centurous: Ive been waiting for this for centuries

Andormita: You won’t win this one sis

Sailor Moon: You two are sisters

Centurous: Adopted sisters to be exact

Andormita: My mother and father took you in and trained you to fight for the moon kingdom but you only cared about money. Soon you hunted for any body that paid you enough. Your a disgrace to the whole family.

(Iris suddenly appears)

Centurous: What are you doing in my fight?

Iris: On the contrary your helping me trap these two right now.

(The trap goes off and both Andormita and Sailor Moon Disappear)

Centurous: Where did they go?

Iris: I into this little box huh theres nothing in here

Sailor Moon’s Voice: Hey where are we.

Andromita’s Voice: I don’t know one minute we are on stage the next we are in this weird forest reject from a science fiction movie.

Centurous: Their inside the game.

Iris: At last I have defeat them.

Andormita: Hey I can’t move

Sailor Moon: Me nether. WHAAHAHAha I want out of this creepy place

Andromita : Oh great of all the people in the world for me to be trapped with and I haft to be trap with her

Sailor Moon: Hey your not exactly the one I want to be stuck with ether

(outside the game)

Game Host: Whats going on how did they get in there

Iris: Thats not you worry (throws a crystal at the machine controlling the game blowing it up) Now theres no way out

(inside game)

Andromita: Something just happened

Sailor Moon: Hey I can move freely now

Anidromita: So can I guess we should find a way out

Sailor Moon: Hey I can see the audience over there

Andromita: Hmm I think they can hear and see us as well as we can now

Iris: What That should have destroyed you how could you have survived

Andromita: Iris When I get out of this Im gonna tear you a new belly button

Iris : Strong words from someone trapped behind glass.

Andromita: Let me out !!!

Sailor Moon: Maybe if we beat the game we can escape

Andromita: have you ever played this game

Sailor Moon: Uhh no

Andromita: Then how do beat that ?

(A large giant stands before the two heroes)

Giant: Im gonna pound yah into mush

Sailor Moon: AHHHH hes huge

Andormita : Maybe my laser will work (shoots at giant but laser blast is replaced with an arrow the giant vanishes in a burst of light leaving a gem)

Sailor Moon: Hey you defeated it but that wasn’t your usual laser blast was it

Andromita No guess the games affecting my laser.

(a small bunny like creature appears )

Sailor Moon: OH how cute

Andromita: Interesting the giant left this gem I wonder what its for

Bunny creature: ROAR

Sailor Moon: AHAHHAHH thats not cute any more oh take this “Lunar Laser Strike”

(A spray of magical beams hit just about every thing but the creature )

Andromita: Oh Man are you ever pathetic (shoots creature dead on) You need practice

Sailor Moon: Oh yeah Ill show you who needs practice

Andromita: You want to fight then

Sailor Moon: No I challenge you first to beat the game wins if I win you have to quit attacking me, and if you win .........uh um

Andromita: You haft to revile your true identity to the world

Sailor Moon: Deal. Hey whats going on out there

(we see the scouts and Tuxedo mask show up in front of Centurous and Iris)

Sailor Moon: We’re saved

Sailor Mars: Your history Negaslime

Centurous: The Sailor Scouts

Iris: So do something I

Centurous : Don’t worry Iris I ve got the situation under control (pulls out her whip) “Starlight Hold “

( Tuxedo mask and Sammy Dodge to avoid a mystical ring but the scouts and other civilians are captured )

Sailor Mercury: Can’t move my arms she trapped us in some kind of magical chain or something

Sailor Jupiter: I don’t like the looks of this

(Centurous disappears with her captives)

Sammy: Mom, Dad .....

Sailor Moon: NOOOO oh when I get my hand s on that creep she is history

Andromita: How do you expect to do that Sailor Moon

Tuxedo mask: Don’t Worry Sailor Moon I’ll get you free

Iris: not while Im around

Tuxedo Mask: Allright you want a fight you got it (pulls out a rose and tosses it at Iris but smashes against a mystical force field

Iris: is that all you got take this ( a wave of dark power throws Tuxedo Mask toward the ground He jumps up quick and tosses a massive spray of roses but none hit because of the force field )

Tuxedo Mask: My roses aren’t getting through so maybe my cane

(tossing his cane the but it is knocked out of the way by Iris)

Iris: is that all the power of the Great Tuxedo Mask that fought Jedite for so many years Now feel my wrath ( dark spikes come crashing down just missing Tuxedo Mask but his effort to dodge is stopped when he fells a sudden surge of his power and collapses on the floor)

Sailor Moon: Tuxedo Mask NOOO ( banging on the glass)

Andromita: Hmmm thats it (pulls out laser and shoots at the glass shattering it and sending herself and Sailor Moon fling out of the game)

Iris: Their free but how .....well Im not going to hang around and find out ( he vanishes in thin air)

Sammy: Wow Sailor Moon you rule aahh who that I don’t recognize her

Sailor Moon: Tuxedo Mask

Tuxedo Mask: Im Allright Sailor Moon I just wish I could have stopped them from taking all those people prisoner

Sailor Moon: You did what you could , Ah Andromita help free us .

Andormita: Centurous Won’t get away with this

Centurous: I don’t plan to

Andromita: Your still here

Centurous: Only to give you a message dear sister

Andromita: And the message is ?

Centurous: Meet me tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. at the park come alone or else the civilians and the Scouts are dead understand

Andromita: A showdown eh Very well then Centurous I ll beat you and save those people you can bet on it

Centurous : Oh I m counting on you to show up but you wouldn’t win Bye now

(Centurous vanishes in thin air leaving the four alone )

Sammy: Sailor Moon You just got to help my Mom and Dad and sister are prisoners of those monsters

Sailor Moon: Don’t worry Sammy they will be fine

Sammy: Hey wait a sec how do you know my name .........Serena is that you no way you cant be Sailor Moon can you

(The three hero remain silent meanwhile back at Serena’s house Artimis chooses to pay a drop in on his companion)

Luna: Hey here comes the muffin man oh the muffin man

Artimis: Hey Luna whats up

Luna: Artiurussus ......I would like you to meet my bag friend good

Artimis: Are you OK Luna?

Luna: Never better (grabs to dust balls and places them on her head) Hey Atrimis in the name of the moon I will punish you (she soon falls on the ground laughing)

Artimis: This bag must have something weird about it (sniffs and starts to wobble around helplessly) No nothing wrong with you my friend

Luna: Hey Quit hogging the bag

(back at the theater)

Sammy: Serena your Sailor Moon how could I have missed this for so long.

Andromita : Serena?!? But that would mean?

Sammy: (pointing at Tuxedo Mask) That your Darien.

Sailor Moon: Guess the secrets out Darien

Tuxedo Mask: Yeah guess it couldn’t last

Sailor Moon: So Andromita You really going to fight your own sister to save those people

Andromita: I have no choice but too make her crimes right

Sailor Moon: By the way about that bet earlier who won

Andromita: Both of us with out you banging on the glass I wouldn’t know if it had a weak spot.

Sailor Moon: Well my identity is revealed will you hold up your end of the bargain

Andromita: No I wouldn’t

Sailor Moon: But you promised

Andromita: Sailor Moon I can never turn back the hands of time but if could I would have spared you from the trouble I caused you and the others but now many innocent lives will pay for my selfishness The only way I can make up for it is to destroy my crystal I could never bet Centurous it must be your fight Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon: But what about you?

Andromita: I will simply fade in the passing of time

Tuxedo Mask: No you cant your the only one that knows anything of Geo and Centurous You must stay and fight with us

Andromita: I Can’t I don’t belong here Darien I never did.

(Curcit has appeared from a nearby hiding spot)

Curcit: Mistress You wish to destroy the crystal that bears your power I afraid I can not allow you to do it

Andromita: Tell Me why Curcit

Curcit: Your mother when she created the crystal had in trusted the a great power in it you do not recall but when you where but four you grew very ill and not even the silver Imperial crystal could heal you. You mother use the crystal’s power to sustain your life but it became a part of you as well if you destroy the crystal you will destroy yourself

Andromita: As long as it will end my suffering

Sailor Moo: Noo you can’t you’ll die

Andromita: Sailor Moon the world rest in your hands do not try to carry this burdened alone or it will destroy you as it did me farewell (Tossing her crystal in the air she aims with her laser begins to pull back but instead with the falling of the crystal she falls down on her knees in tears)

Sailor Moon: Andromita ?!?

Andromita: Oh father I have failed you I have failed to save the humans and the scouts I let them win it all my fault I even failed at killing myself

(Tears run down Andromita’s face and touch the end of the crystal light suddenly fills the room and a word is whispered in the darkness)

Crystal: remember

Andromita: The crystal it just spoke

Curcit: I knew the crystal was powerful but ....

Crystal: remember and the power will be yours

Andromita: Power what power tell me

(the light of the crystal starts to fade)

Curcit: Mistress what does it mean

Andromita: I don’t know Curcit

Sailor Moon: Andromita you OK

Andromita: Yeah thanks Serena

Sailor Moon: You sound as if you know identify as well

Andromita: Well I guess its only fair since I now know who you are in real life that you know who I am crystal revert transformation

Sailor Moon: Moyria your Andromita

Tuxedo Mask: Right under my nose and I didn’t even notice

Moyria: same here

Sailor Moon: So where do we go from here

Moyria: I can’t beat Centurous Im not as strong or skilled in my mothers magic to beat her and she has gain allot of skill as a fighter as well

Sammy: maybe you could learn martial arts from Rei and her grandfather

Sailor Moon: Just who do you think Sailor Mars was Sammy

Sammy:: Oh

Moyria: How much has Martial arts changed in over a thoundand years anyway

Tuxedo Mask: Not to many new stuff mainly just Judo and maybe a few techniques but theres no way you could learn Martial Arts over night

Moyria: No but a technique may just be the answer if I combine my fathers fighting style, my mothers magic and a special technique I might e able to be Centurous before anyone get hurt. Curcit Im going to need you to hook up with my wrist computer and process a new technique I could use

Curcit: It will take some time

Moyria: just get it finished I got to go

Sailor Moon: Where are you going now

Andromita: I need some time to think Sailor Moon don’t worry Ill be ready before the fight

Sailor Moon: I hope so for all our sake

The End

Sailor Moon Sez: Video games are a great way to have fun and relieve stress but they can be trebly addictive and should be played in moderation or before you know it your life has passed you by don’t let life go enjoy it Sailor Moon Sez ...............See Yah

Sailor Mercury Explains It All:

In this episode the writer shows Luna and Artimis discovering a plant called CATNIP it acts like at drug on cats only it causes them to become extremely happy or crazy most people grow this plant as a common house plant it is often put in cat toy to invoke important exercise for cats preferably ones keep indoors check your local pet store or veterinarian and find to purchase a catnipped toy just dont bother playing with the cat they will more likely bite you or claw you under the influence of the catnip just hand it to the cat and watch them play the drug wears off after the cat grows sleepy and sleeps it of until the next time it goes after the toy