Sailor Moon: Andromita Factor Episode11 “To Be A Sailor Scout”

(The scene opens at Serena’s school just as Amy, Mina, and Lita are leaving Serena obviously is held back as the girls are saying)

Amy: You know its seams just like old times

Mina: Yeah I know what you mean wake up, go to school, go to the temple to train then go home that is unless the Negaverse attacks

Amy: No I mean this is the third time this week Serena has Detention

Mina: Oh that too

Lita: So do any of you have an idea on why we are meeting at the junkyard instead of the temple

Mina: Artemis said that they set up a training course to help us fight better as a team he also said they had a surprise

Amy: Well Im not completely sure but I think they are having Andromita train us since she  has fought Geo and Centurous many times over

Lita: Well theres only one way to find out race you to the junk yard

(meanwhile Moyria and Sayrun are sitting at their usual places at the dinner next to the TV station )

Sayrun: So Moyria How goes you attempt to bag Darien

Moyria: I never....

Sayrun: Yeah right I saw how you acted when he was around

Moyria: Hey he and I are just friends Sayrun nothing more

Sayrun: Sure

(just then the door opens and a young man in a policeman’s uniform appears behind Moyria without her noticing )

Young Man: Freeze your under arrest

(Moyria Jumps up scared at first but then recognizes the voice)

Moyria: Hey what is the big idea ......

Kenny: Hi there Moyria how you doing? Sorry if I scared you

Moyria: I swear Kenny you really shouldn’t do that to someone

Sayrun: Say Moyria who’s this another boyfriend

Kenny: Yeah I wish, I bet a girl like her has lots of boyfriends

Moyria: Hey

Sayrun: Well lets see theres Darien and Mark and now you so .....

Moyria: HEY.......

Kenny: Im just the third one

Sayrun: Third that I know of that is

Moyria: Excuse me but just what do you two think you are doing.

Sayrun: I swear Moyria the least you could do is introduce me

Moyria: Yeah sure Kenny Cennada meet my sinister friend Sayrun Calvin

Kenny: Sinister huh

Sayrun: Only by night by day Im TV16’s top reporter

Moyria: Thats supose to be any better. So what brings you here Kenny

Kenny: Business unfortunately

Moyria: What is it?

Kenny: A couple of days ago police found a young girl slashed several times in the park nearby Im making rounds asking if anybody has seen the event happen even if we know who is responsible we cant arrest him with out a witness or evidence

Sayrun: You all ready know who the killer is

Kenny: It fits his pattern if I where you Moyria I would watch out he goes after women

like you

Sayrun: So if he committed murders in the past why is he out

Kenny: Several reasons one the jails are all ready overflowing, two he was released by his friends that are part of the Yarmoto Clan a large group of the Japanese Mafia and finally the one witness we had on him mysteriously disappeared

Moyria: Theres no way I will ever fall victim to a creep like that

Kenny: Yeah I cant forget what you did in the gym the other day to that jock

Moyria: Huh oh yeah the gym

Kenny: Don’t worry I saw nothing, I heard nothing, I said Nothing, and I didn’t spin kick any other jocks with him

Moyria: Thanks Kenny

Sayrun: Hey When you get off duty why don’t you come to the studio and you to can loin us for some fun together

Moyria: SAYRUN!!!

Kenny: Thats ok I just started so its going to be a long night. It was nice meeting you

Sayrun: Moyria see you at the gym sometime?

Moyria: Uh Yeah.

(Kenny leaves the Dinner and heads down the sidewalk)

Sayrun: (mocking Moyria) See you at the gym

Moyria: Oh shut up


(Back at the school Darien stands outside the school’s gate waiting for Serena to come out from Denton but his mind is else where as he thinks of what Ceris had said to him)

Darien: This Gold Rose is what is suppose to help me protect Serena but with it I had to promise my loyalty to lady Ceris and to come to her when she wishes me to but when will that be

(In deep thought he fails to notice that Serena has come out and by the look on her face she had been talking to him and noticed he wasn’t paying any attention to him)

Serena: Humph .....Fine Ignore me.

Darien: Huh oh hey there Meatball head hows it going

Serena: Did you even hear a word I said just a minute ago

Darien: Um well uh ......

Serena: I knew it you didn’t I was only telling you on how impossible this school is

Darien: Um yeah sure what ever you say

Serena: Your still not listening why do I even bother.

Darien: Sorry just got my mind on other things Serena

(Serena notices that he is holding a Golden rose)

Serena: Wow where did you find that Darien

Darien: It was part of the challenge I was given

Serena: Ive never seen a gold rose before

Darien: Its mystery is almost as confusing as the lesson I was given

(meanwhile the other scouts have gathered at the junkyard)

Lita: Well we are here

Rei: Its about time

Mina: So how long have you been waiting Rei

Rei: About an hour

Luna: Good now before we begin I would like you all to take these

Amy: Wristbands?

Luna: They each hold new power Im not quiet sure what the power is but Im told you will know when you use them to transform you just give your name and “Power Transform” its remarkably like Andromita’s crystal after all they where created by her mother

Curcit: Once you transform you each will divided into three teams as soon as the others get here that is. When you are in teams you each will start at one of the three entrances of the junkyard from there you must find each other before Andromita finds you I need not say she will use every trick she knows to get each and every one of you out

Lita: Is there a way to beat her

Artemis: Well we have set up several traps you must trap her without getting your self trapped but even if she is trapped she wouldn’t give up remember this is no game its a test to see how well we can stand up against Centurous and Geo

Rei: Well thats enough time for chat now lets get going

Amy, Lita, Mina: Right

Rei: Mars Power Transform

Amy: Mercury Power Transform

Mina: Venus Power Transform

Lita: Jupiter Power Transform

(We watch as the scouts change into their uniforms in the traditional style Meanwhile at TV16 Sayrun is sitting in Reyhard’s office)

Reyhard: Listen up Sayrun There seams to be some unusual things going on down at a junkyard I want you to film what ever looks out of place ok.

Sayrun: Excuse me sir but why is it Im covering this story

Rayhard: Listen besides this police investigation down here we are pretty much in a dry spot for news so if you want to get paid do this story and don’t think of dumping it on someone else this time

Sayrun: Yes sir

(Meanwhile in the lair of the Negaverse)

Geo: Iris tell me how goes the building of my great weapon

Iris: Well we have been able to find much of our supplies in junkyards but without the status we can’t program the machine to work

Geo: I Have thought about this and if you where to make it operate manually we could use it to defeat the sailor scouts once and for all

Iris: But who has the experience at fighting Andromita and the scouts and knows how this machine operates

Geo: That problem is easily solved I will see to Andromita’s Destruction personally I will pilot the machine backed up with your monsters and Centurous with her ship

Iris: Surely the scouts will have no chance at beating you this time my lord we only need to gain a few more materials and we will be ready

Geo: See that you do not fail or I will personally find you a replacement

Iris: Yes my lord

(Iris vanishes in thin air)

Geo: Soon I will rise with the armies of the Negaverse and destroy this pitiful world and that wretched girl Andromita

(back at the junkyard Serena and Darien have arrived as well as Moyria)

Luna: So you all understand why this is important

Serena: Hey Darien why did you agree to come train with us

Darien: Well I haft to learn about my new abilities somehow.

Sailor Mars: Will you two quiet talking and transform already

Serena: Cool your jets Mars its not like you and I are against each other this time

Sailor Mars: As I recall last time I kicked you butt three sides of Thursday

Serena: Ill show you “Moon Light Transform” (we watch as Serena changes into her uniform and becomes the heroine Sailor Moon after she has finished we see a light die next to her as Darien has changed to Tuxedo Mask)

Tuxedo Mask: Ready Sailor Moon

Moyria: The game doesn’t start till I say Tux “ Galactic Power Transformation” (a light ring raises and Moyria is placed into her uniform with her laser blaster strapped at her side)

Luna: Good now myself Curcit and Artemis will be placed with each of the three groups Moyria will be signaled with three lights and will fire one laser blast into the air to signal the start of the test remember there are no rules but survival. venus and Jupiter your with Artemis, Mercury and Mars you go with Curcit, and you two follow me.

Andromita: Remember Moon Im not suppose to hold back

Sailor Moon: Oh great just what I need a sharpshooter with a trigger finger after me

(Outside the junkyard Sayrun sits with a camera strapped on her back as she prepares to scale the fence)

Sayrun: Stupid Junkyard don see why they have to have a fence its not like anyone ever cares if the junk is stolen shesh what kind of assignment is this a documentary on tree bark would be more interesting

(she sits on the top bar and catches her breath only to fall down to the ground below)

Sayrun: Ouch! Well thats one way to get to the ground. Im inside at least there wouldn’t be anymore problems with

(Two red lights appear from under a sheet of metal and almost immediate growling begins as the head of a pitbull comes out of the shadows)

Sayrun: HEah.....uh....... Nice Doggy....... Good Doggy....... You wouldn’t want to eat me I taste horrorable.

(The pitbull stares at Sayrun and growls)

Sayrun: Why do I let him give these assignments

(sayrun starts to run with the pitbull in pursuit Meanwhile at another part of the junkyard Iris has appeared and begins to raise scraps of junk magically and makes them disappear but Iris has other things on his mind)

Iris: Ever since that bounty hunter showed up Geo has gone to his side, and now if I fail him with his mecha I will lose my job and life hes no different than Beryl was when Jedite failed to defeat the Scouts but if I where to make sure Geo would not return from his battle with the scouts than I will be the one to rule the Negaverse and be respected once more. Yes I must do is find someone to help me sabotage Geo someone with the inside scoop on the scouts some one to turn against the scouts

(Sayrun goes running by with the pitbull chasing her)

Sayrun: Nice Doggy. Please stop chasing Please

Iris: But who?

Sayrun: Shooo go away leave me alone

Iris: Huh a reporter and a dog yes they will due nicely “Oh great power of the Negaverse I summon your power change these two into my willing slaves”

(A dark mist shoots out of Iris’s hand and surrounds Sayrun and the pitbull as it clears they both have disappeared)

Iris: It will take some time but soon they will become the warriors Pumice and Magma and obey my every command and then Geo will fall to my power HAHAHHAHAHA.........

(Iris vanishes in the air and all is silent for a time but then three light beam in the distance a laser blast is shoot in the air)

Sailor Jupiter: So Venus got any plans on how to defeat Andromita

Sailor Venus: Well if we trap her we can get enough time to find at least on of the other groups to team up against her only problem is

Sailor Jupiter: we have no idea where any of the traps are

Sailor Venus: Exactly

(the two run off in search of the others meanwhile Mercury and Mars have come up with a different plan of attack using Mercury’s computer to track Andromita and use it as an early warning system)

Sailor Mars; You sure it will work

Sailor Mercury: It should but thats only a little help if she does get nearby we will need  to get away and quickly

Sailor Mars: bet yah that Sailor Moon gets defeated first

Sailor Mercury: I dont know about that when push comes to shove Serena does pretty good and shes with Tuxedo mask they haven’t been beat as a couple yet

Sailor Mars: Yeah but nether of them has beaten Andromita yet ether, lets get going if we don’t move we will become sitting ducks

(Mars and Mercury run on while Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask plan their way of solving the problem)

Tuxedo Mask: Sailor Moon You ready

Sailor Moon: Yeah I guess so I just think that if we just hid we could catch Andromita by surprise

Tuxedo Mask: hey thats not a bad idea Im amaze you thought of it

Sailor Moon: Yeah well I kinda am sorta scared of Andromita so I might as well hide from her

Tuxedo Mask: (picking up a piece of metal) here we can wait here and when she goes by we will attack her from behind

(As the two hide Andromita has caught up to Jupiter and Venus)

Andromita: Congratulations girls you have the satisfaction of being my first kills tonight

Sailor Jupiter: Duck Venus

(Venus Rolls along the ground and under some junk avoiding a blast from Andromita’s laser)

Sailor Jupiter: Nice Try but now its my turn

Andromita: “Light Prismic Blast “

Sailor Jupiter: The light it blinding me

Andromita; Exactly Jupiter

(Andromita aims at her target but her shot is blocked by a scrap of metal thrown by Venus)

Andromita: I can see you two aren’t about to give up very well I will leave but when I beat the others I will come back for you

(Andromita goes running off on the top of junk piles as the Venus and Jupiter head off to hopefully find the others before Andromita does Meanwhile Mercury’s computer detects Andromita is headed toward them)

Sailor Mercury: Shes headed this way Mars we got to get away

Sailor Mars: (points to a maze of old cars) Down there we can loss her in there

( the two run in the maze of cars but the computer shows that she is still right behind them)

Sailor Mercury: this would be a perfect place for a trap Mars so be careful

Sailor Mars: Yeah but we can escape a trap

( Mercury stops Mars in front of a cloth draped across the ground)

Sailor Mercury: Mars wait don’t go any further

Sailor Mars: Oh please the old cover a hole in the ground with cloth please how stupid do they think we are

Sailor Mercury: I don’t Understand the computer says Andromita should be right next to us but its a wall of steal

Sailor Mars: Huh Mercury hurry in the pit

(The two jump into the cloth covered pit just as a loud explosion as steal goes fling from Andromita’s Super Nova Strike The pit is covered by the roof of a car hiding it from Andromita)

Andromita: They thought that Mercury’s computer could help them then they seem to forget about my wrist computer it said they where right here. huh ? Well well seems like I misjudge them ( she leans over and picks up Mercury’s computer that has fallen as the two jumped into the pit ) Well in that case back to the hunt (Andromita heads off into the distance as Mercury and Mars climb out of the pit Meanwhile Andromita makes her way toward Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask who have setup a trap for her of their own)

Tuxedo Mask: Ok When she head down here I will trick her on to the platform where you will pull at the cord sending her fly into the cage below

Andromita: Good plan to bad it wouldn’t work

Sailor Moon: Andromita!

( Tuxedo Mask tosses a spray of roses at Andromita and grabs Sailor Moon and runs off )

Andromita: You wouldn’t escape me that easily you two

(Andromita goes after them, Meanwhile Mars and Mercury are rounding a corner when they hear something suspicious)

Sailor Mars: Careful theres no telling it could be another trap or even Andromita

Sailor Mercury: I don’t think its Andromita Mars

(Mercury looks around the corner and starts to giggle as she sees Jupiter and Venus hanging in a net )

Sailor Jupiter: Oh Sure Laugh Don’t bother helping us down

Sailor Mars: So did Andromita get you yet

Sailor Venus: No Barely

Sailor Mercury: Same here, well the four of us are back together now all we haft to do is find Serena and Darien before Andromita

Sailor Venus: Well I think I have an idea on where they are look

( They all look at the horizon and see burst of light from Andromita’s Laser)

Sailor Jupiter: Well lets not waste our time lets go help them out

(Back with Sailor Moon and Darien)

Sailor Moon: You know now would be a good time for you to try you new powers

Tuxedo Mask: I think your right (He pulls out a white rose with almost no steam and tosses it as t spins the petals fly off and become small Dirks all directed at Andromita who has no choice but to jump out of the way to avoid them landing on a spring trap sending her flying into a pile of junk) That will only slow her down but not shes even more pissed off at me so theres no way she will give up any time soon

Sailor Moon: Great

Sailor Jupiter: Sailor Moon over here

Sailor Moon: its the Sailor Scouts

Tuxedo Mask now all we hafta do is to trap Andromita

Sailor Moon: Well we better do it quickly cause here she comes

Andromita: Ive got you all now

(Andromita Leaps into the air and begins to fire rapidly at all six of them but is yanked back by a rope held by a mysterious stranger in a cape)

Voice: I think you better give up

Andromita: Huh Your not part of the game

Sailor Moon: What who is this guy

Tuxedo Mask: I don’t know but I like his cape

Stranger: I am the protector of this world and its protectors

Andromita: Well you obviously are new to this pal “Light Prismic Blast”

(A large burst of light fills the area and when it fades Andromita has a perfect aim on the stranger)

Andromita: Now talk or fry pal

Sailor Venus: No Andromita let him go

Andromita: Venus? You know him?

Stranger: So you are Sailor V huh funny how you change so much in so little time see yah

Sailor Venus: No wait.

Sailor Jupiter: Um Sailor Venus just who was that

Sailor Venus: ..........Come back

Artemis: It can’t be

Sailor Moon: Could ether of you to possibly tell us who that just was

Artemis: He was a protector of Sailor V before we joined you but it is impossible for him to be here

Sailor Mercury: I don’t see how

Sailor Venus: Its Impossible because he died four years ago Mercury

Andromita: Well you better be careful no mater who he is I don’t trust him

Sailor Moon: Yeah like you would ever trust anyone.

Sailor Mars: Um guys I don’t want to be rude but aren't we sorta suppose to fight each other right now.

Luna: No its over and you all learned the true lesson here

Sailor Moon: And that is?

Curcit: You must always expect the unexpected do to the mysterious stranger you all would have beaten Andromita easily

Andromita: Hey thats not fair hes not part of the game

Curcit: There where no rules others than the groups against you mistress nothing about others in the game

Sailor Moon: You mean I won

Luna: No

Sailor Moon: I lost then

Artemis: No the team won Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon: Oh

(Everyone facefaults, Meanwhile at a dark corner of the base of the Negaverse Iris stands before his newest slave )

Iris: Perfect you will do nicely to trap the scouts and help me destroy Geo by accident

(pumice who is basically Sayrun with a long flowing dress long gloves and a mask over her mouth stands beside the pitbull Magma whos fur is now bright red)

Pumice: I will not fail you Lord Iris

Iris: Lord Iris It has such a wonderful ring around it and it all will be mine in a mater of Days

(Meanwhile Moyria finds herself walking home alone )

Moyria: What a night well it should be over in no time just get home and go to bed

(a russell is made in a nearby bushes and it causes Moyria to look in the direction of the noise but when she turns around she is knocked out by a tall dark stranger. moments later she wakens tied up with wire as the stranger waves around his knife at her)

Stranger: Well well looks like a good catch this time you’ll defiantly do nicely

Moyria: Let me go you creep

Stranger: Can’t do that some ones very interested in you if I had it my way you would be dead like the others

Moyria: And if I had it my way you would be hanging from that tree by now

Stranger: Ooh you got spunk girlie but theres not much you can do tied up now is there

Moyria: Oh yeah

Stranger: Yeah

Moyria: You don’t think I couldn’t do this

(Moyria flips up on her feet and flips her body knocking the stranger in the head and causing him to drop the knife he gets up and throws a punch at Moyria who with a roll dodges him easy and flips from the ground this time kicking him in the head. She quickly rolls toward the knife as he heads after her Before he knows it she has cut her self free and uses the very wire he used to her up to suspend him from the very tree she was talking about a minute ago)

Stranger: Let me down

Moyria: Just as soon as the authorities get here

Stranger: You think that if the cops take me away you will be safe think again their interested in you and they don’t give up easy

Moyria: Who on earth are you talking about

Stranger: You’ ll see soon enough

Voice: Hold it right there you two turn around slowly

( Moyria Turns to see Kenny has his gun out and ready )

Kenny: Moyria??

Moyria: This creep tried to kidnap me for who I dont know

Kenny: Well looks to me you took care of it but Im going to need you to come with me I believe your story because this is the guy where after but I want to know why he didn’t kill you like the others

Stranger: Hey Im No squealer cop Im not telling you anything

Kenny: No but now we have a witness and attempt of kidnapping on you and all the evidence we need to lock you away for a long time

Strangers: You know theres no way you’ll be able to keep me in any cell my boys Yarmoto Clan will see to that

Kenny: Sure they will Now lets get you down and behind a cell where you belong Misto Yama

Misto: Watch your back girly well be coming for you when you least expect it

(Moyria stares at Misto’s eyes as the two exchange glances the spark of hatred is ignited)

The End

Sailor Moon Sez: At night its best if you travel in groups and where bright clothing and remembers to stay away from dark places where danger is most likely to strike or else you could end up in a place you don’t want to be .......Sailor Moon Sez........See yah

Preview of the next episode: All is quiet that is if you call a four ton piece of scrap metal attacking most of Tokyo with a monstrous army behind it quiet, Sailor Moon fights along side the a devil hunter, a martial artist, a couple of aliens and the rest of the scouts when they must face Geo and Centurous and a army of Negaverse warriors but is no where in sight as the scouts face their deadliest battle yet. Just where is Andromita gone to any way its almost as if Shes hiding from something plus Mina’s secret protector returns but whos side is he on really find out as pure Anime Mayhem occurs as four Anime series guest star in Sailor Moon Andromita Factor episode 12 “Have Mecha will travel’